Our Father’s Prayer for the Fathers on Earth
By Jim Myers

For the followers of the Jewish Jesus, praying was a ritual that consisted of much more than just saying the words. It was the human side of an unending dialogue between God and humans. Prayer was a daily ritual of life and their prayers were not spontaneous individual prayers that asked God for something or asked Him to do something. They prayed prayers that reminded them of things God wanted them to do!

They also thought about God in a very different way than members of our “it’s-all-about-me” consumer society. In our society it is common for people to think of themselves as “God’s buddy and the center of His attention.” When they think about Him, they have warm fuzzy feelings associated with love. The Jewish society of Jesus viewed God, and approaching Him at the Temple or in prayer, as a very serious matter. Psalm 33 gives us a glimpse of their mindset.

  ● God’s work is done in faithfulness.

  ● God loves tzedaqah (righteousness).

  ● God loves misphat (justice).
  ● God’s hesed (loyalty/lovingkindness) fills the earth.

  ● Let all the earth fear the Lord.

  ● Let all the dwellers of the world stand in awe of Him.

When people approached God they knew that before He listened to their words He examined their hearts to see their thoughts and imaginations. They were aware of power of their God -- the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, the One that caused the Great Flood, and the Ultimate Judge that will judge all nations on the Great Day of Judgment. They approached Him with awe and fear – not warm fuzzy feelings. Click Here to read the complete article